Magzter is a digital magazine service that provides subscribers with access to thousands of titles from around the world. It can be accessed on mobile devices, computers and tablets alike.
Magzter also offers a subscription service called Magzter Gold for $9.99 per month, giving users access to 5,000 magazines.
What Is Magzter?
Magzter is the world’s fastest-growing self-service digital newsstand with thousands of magazines and newspapers from 40+ categories across 60+ languages. Headquartered in New York City, its local offices and teams can be found around the world including Amsterdam, London, Mexico City, Chennai, Mumbai, Bengaluru and Singapore.
Magzter provides its publisher customers with the OREY Click Publishing System, allowing them to create and deliver digital editions of their titles to global readers through its innovative OREY Click Publishing System. Notable clients include Dotdash-Meredith (USA), Conde Nast (USA), Hearst (USA), A360 Media (USA), Bloomberg (USA), Maxim Inc.(USA), Guardian News & Media(UK), Dennis Publishing(UK), Future(UK), Reach Publishing Services Limited(UK), Media24(South Africa), Tatler Asia(Singapore), India Today Group(India), Worldwide Media(India), HT Digital Streams Ltd(India), SPH Media Limited(India), SPH Media Limited(India), Are MediaAustralia).
Magzter offers the world’s largest “All-You-Can-Read” subscription service, Magzter GOLD. This provides digital readers with unlimited access to over 8,000 magazines, newspapers and premium stories for one low monthly price. Furthermore, their groundbreaking ezRead feature 2.0 in their apps revolutionizes reading by presenting magazine and newspaper pages in responsive layouts optimized for smartphones and small screens without awkward panning or zooming.
Magzter’s International Catalog
Magzter’s international catalog is an ideal resource for discovering magazines not available in your region. It features titles from countries such as Singapore, India and Japan that may not be widely distributed elsewhere.
Discovering new magazines is also a great way to discover them. Additionally, if you’re interested in reading back issues for free, you can download them for free.
Magzter Gold subscriptions provide access to over 2500 magazines; however, some require an additional charge for reading them.
Magzter offers an expansive selection of graphic novels, comics and manga. However, you won’t be able to get many mainstream US publications here.
Magzter’s Social Media Integration
Magzter’s social media integration offers readers a more convenient way to access magazines. The service is free and can be accessed from desktop, mobile device, or tablet.
Technology allows you to share content from any magazine on your social media channels. Not only does this serve as a great marketing strategy, but it also keeps readers engaged with your magazine.
Magzter offers a vast library of magazines across 40 categories, such as automotive, business, comics, entertainment, fashion, fitness, gaming, lifestyle articles as well as news articles from politics and sports. With Magzter you can read whatever magazine you want – anytime!
Furthermore, you can access a range of newspapers and books from your mobile device. This is particularly beneficial for millennials who desire reliable content on their devices.
Magzter recently unveiled their Smart Reading Zone, which lets users access their favourite magazines from any location. These zones can be shared with friends and family for free use at no cost.
Magzter’s Pricing
Magzter offers various subscription plans, the flagship being Magzter Gold which grants subscribers unlimited access to over 2,000 titles for just $9.99 a month.
Magzter Gold is accessible on both Android and iOS devices, as well as through a browser-based app. Furthermore, users are able to share content with other subscribers.
Magzter is positioning itself to compete against other magazine subscription services such as Readly and Next Issue by offering a larger library than its rivals. Furthermore, Magzter has adopted the all-you-can-read model popular among services like Netflix and Spotify.
Magzter offers monthly plans of three, six and twelve months at a cost of $125.00. Furthermore, its premium subscription option, Magzter Gold, grants readers unlimited access to more than 5,000 bestselling national and international magazines for an affordable monthly fee.
Magzter stands out among other digital subscription services by not charging publishers for their digital content. Instead, it takes a portion of the revenue generated. Ultimately, this model was designed to simplify the process of digital distribution for those involved.
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