Magzter Gold is a Netflix-style subscription service that allows subscribers to read unlimited digital copies of magazines like ESPN, Maxim, and Fast Company for just $9.99 a month. It’s the latest effort by magazine publishers to transition their readers away from print media toward digital reading.
Magzter Gold stands out among other services by offering a vast library of over 8,000 titles, as well as features designed to make magazine reading an effortless experience.
Magzter is an app that grants subscribers access to thousands of magazines and newspapers for a monthly subscription fee. It offers publications on topics like sports, travel, technology, photography and science.
The app also has back issues that can be viewed on the go. They’re free for offline viewing and sync across devices.
Magzter stands out among magazine apps due to its comprehensive library and lack of individual titles for purchase. It’s an ideal option for those who don’t want to invest in individual titles.
One thing I appreciate about Magzter is its price point; it’s much cheaper than alternatives such as Readly, which charges $10 a month for unlimited access to 800 titles. Unlike Readly which only displays what’s included in your subscription, Magzter allows users to browse and view any article even when it’s not part of their plan.
If you want to try out Magzter, sign up for a 7-day free trial. This is an ideal way to test out the app and determine if it meets your needs.
Magzter is the world’s largest digital newsstand, boasting thousands of magazines and newspapers in its catalogue. From automotive, business, cooking, entertainment and fashion to lifestyles, news, sports technology and travel – you’re sure to find a magazine or newspaper for every interest.
Enjoy access to your favourite stories anytime, anywhere – curated from top-selling magazines and newspapers. ezRead 2.0 brings them alive on the go with its revolutionary feature that presents magazine and newspaper pages in responsive layouts that are optimized for any size screen – smartphones or tablets included!
Magzter gold subscribers enjoy unlimited access to magazines and newspapers online or offline, thanks to their game-changing feature based on Geo-Fencing Satellite technology called Smart Reading Zone(r). Magzter has made it simple for readers to access thousands of top-selling magazines, newspapers and premium stories instantly from any location.
Premium Stories
Magzter gold is the world’s largest digital newsstand, featuring some of the finest magazines and newspapers from around the world. It offers various categories like automotive, business, cooking, entertainment and fashion as well as lifestyle content such as news articles about sports events or travel destinations.
Additionally, ezRead 2.0 introduces an innovative feature called ezRead 2.0 that presents magazine and newspaper pages in a responsive layout optimized for smartphones and tablets. This eliminates the need to perform awkward panning and zooming when reading magazine articles on small screens.
Furthermore, it provides a community where you can connect with like-minded individuals and share your favorite reading materials. Plus, it enables you to save articles onto your mobile device so you can read them at your leisure later.
For a nominal monthly fee, the company provides access to thousands of magazines and newspapers. Furthermore, their corporate pricing plans are available for various organizations.
Social Media
Magzter Gold is an all-inclusive subscription service that gives users access to thousands of digital magazines on the go, plus exclusive articles curated from top selling magazines.
It is accessible on Android, iOS, the web and Amazon App Store/Kindle Fire. Users can purchase magazines on any of these platforms and easily port them over to other devices – a unique feature that sets it apart from Zinio and other rivals.
Magzter, founded in 2011, is the world’s largest and fastest-growing digital magazine store and newsstand. With 24 million global readers and 5000 magazines from more than 2000 publishers, Magzter continues to thrive.
Last month, they unveiled a new advertising platform that allows advertisers to place full-page interactive ads within its magazines. This gives them an opportunity to reach their desired audience on-the-go as readers read the magazine on mobile phones or tablets.
The company boasts some major publisher customers such as Hearst (USA), A360 Media (USA), Bloomberg (USA), Dennis Publishing (UK), Future (UK), Media24 (South Africa), RBA (Spain) and Grupo Expansion (Mexico). Furthermore, their publisher base continues to expand rapidly with magazines from over 50 countries.
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